Land For Sale in Marion County Missouri
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Farm Active
Palmyra, Missouri 63461
30 Picture(s)
Located just east of Palmyra, this 113-acre property offers a great mix of useful land and natural beauty.
Hunting Active
Palmyra, Missouri 63461
19 Picture(s)
This 60 acre piece is a madhouse for hunting! It's steep drainages inbetween ridgetops of hardwoods provide great habitat for Whitetails and Turkeys.
House with Acreage Active
Palmyra, Missouri 63461
3 Bedroom(s)
2 Bathroom(s)
30 Picture(s)
This property has it all! At 1,800 sq ft+/-, this 3 Bedroom 2 bath log cabin situated on a white oak ridges in Marion County, Missouri.